Booking & Prices

Booking, Prices & Further Information

How to book in for an Equibreed UK service

Thank you for choosing Equibreed UK for your equine reproductive needs, now that you have chosen the services you require please find below pricelists, forms for booking in, consent and contracts for procedures and further fact sheets and risk information.

Please be aware that all horses coming onsite to the clinic must have clear test results for EVA, EIA, EHV & Strangles. It is also important that your horse arrives with a valid passport and is microchipped as per the law passed in October 2020.
We are unable to accept any horses to our facilities without both.

Please check you have the latest documents – these are updated each year, and copies are always available from the office and on email if you are unsure.

All documentation must be completed, signed (by the bill payer) and submitted either digitally as high resolution PDF’s or as originals to the Equibreed UK office. Failure to do so may result in delays for procedures.

If you are unsure about which forms you need to complete or any items relating to the price list and packages or details in out terms and conditions please do not hesitate to contact the office and they will be happy to explain it all to you.

Paying for your chosen service

We have an easy online payment service link to payments or you can make contact with the office to arrange payment.


How can we help?

Contact us, we would love to hear from you.

we can provide expert veterinary advice to help you make the best decisions for your stallion. You are welcome to arrange a time to come and see us.

Make contact